Bentley Map V8i (SELECTseries 10) Help

Text Substitution

When printing text elements Bentley Advanced Map Finishing checks for particular key strings and dynamically changes the appearance of the text in the output. In Bentley Advanced Map Finishing V8i, all text substitution keys (except for $$:PLATE) can be placed anywhere in a text string.

For Example, "File $$:FILE printed on $$:CTIME by the author." Prints as: "File plan.dgn printed on Tue Aug 27 16:02:22 2003 by the author."

The text substitution key $$:PLATE should not be used with other text in a text element as the other text will not print.

For example, "The plate being used is $$:PLATE for printing purposes" or "$$:PLATE is the plate being used" prints as: "Black".

There are built in fixed keys that extract information about the current design file, or the time and date the current print is generated. Fixed keys are case sensitive. Text is always output using the font, size and justification of the text element used for the key.